12 brand archetypes

Brand archetypes are the representation of your brand as a persona based on 12 key human desires and values.

What are the 12 brand archetypes? They were derived from Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung’s personality archetypes, which were outlined back in 1919.

Jung maintained that all humans have one dominant trait that leads to typical behavioural patterns, desires, values and motivations.

“We all have the same instinctive and unconscious understanding of behavioural patterns “— Carl Jung (1875–1961)

These typical “12 brand archetypes” can also be applied to businesses that use them to create brand personalities that connect with their target audience on a personal and emotional level.

So, now that you have a better understanding of what a brand archetype is, we can now dive into the 12 brand archetypes.

Leave Legacy

01 / The Outlaw (Liberation)

The Outlaw represents the voice that’s had enough. They are a key to social change and acceptance as a harbinger of fresh perspectives, new outlooks, aspirational change and awakening. A rule breaker, the Outlaw challenges convention by questioning the status quo and pushing the envelope. With bold leadership, courage and power, the Outlaw helps to dispel others’ fear of victimisation.

(Archetype summary via Archetypes In Branding, Margaret Pott Hartwell & Joshua C. Chen)

02 / The Magician (Power)

Known to be dynamic, influential, charismatic and clever, this archetype is able to view the world through many different lenses. Driven to understand the fundamental laws of the universe in order to make dreams into reality, The Magician connection to experiences of synchronicity, flow and oneness, with a curiosity about the hidden workings of the universe. Using ritual and forces from above and beyond, the Magician manifests ideas into reality. Able to accomplish magic from the inside out, the Magician gets results outside of the ordinary rules of life.

(Archetype summary via Archetypes In Branding, Margaret Pott Hartwell & Joshua C. Chen)

03 / The Hero (Mastery)

The Hero acts to redeem society by overcoming great odds in service to successfully completing extraordinary acts of strength, courage and goodness. The Hero is admired by those who appreciate the self-sacrifice, stamina and courage required to triumph over adversity and evil. As a continuous learner, the Hero seeks to understand the inner life force and fullest expression of self, while coping with difficulty, meeting strange fates and facing shifting challenges. The essence of the Hero lies in the sacrifice required to achieve the goal of transformation.

(Archetype summary via Archetypes In Branding, Margaret Pott Hartwell & Joshua C. Chen)

Pursue Connection

04 / The Lover (Intimacy)

The Lover posses an unbridled appreciation and affection for beauty, closeness and collaboration. Motivated to attract, give, receive and nurture life-affirming, intimate love and strengthened by great passion and devotion, the Lover fosters bliss and unity. This results in an experience of love that goes beyond an emotion or mind-set to become a way of being. The Lover is an archetype of transformation and rebirth offering a remembrance of external transcendent ideas that elevate the human experience.

(Archetype summary via Archetypes In Branding, Margaret Pott Hartwell & Joshua C. Chen)

05 / The Jester (Enjoyment)

Joyfully living in the moment, the Jester seeks to lighten up the world. Able to bend perspective, twist meanings and interpret events and people in surprising ways, the Jester can speak truth to those in power. The Jester appreciates beauty, change, surprised and wicked intellect. Known for exuberant antics, the Jester transcends tradition, convention and societal norms. Boldly original, irreverent and mischievous, this archetype sees life as a wild and crazy playground of opportunity.

(Archetype summary via Archetypes In Branding, Margaret Pott Hartwell & Joshua C. Chen)

06 / The Everyday Gal/Guy (Belonging)

Driven by a need to feel a sense of belonging, The Everyday Gal/Guy believes that everyone matters equally, regardless of status, age, ethnicity or creed. Like a good neighbour, the Everyday Gal/Guy seeks to do the right thing, with no need for heroics or adventure. Possessing a charming sincerity, the Everyday Gal/Guy embodies the acronym WYSIWYG — “what you see is what you get” — and has a casual approach to life, preferring to be understated, nonthreatening and helpful to all.

(Archetype summary via Archetypes In Branding, Margaret Pott Hartwell & Joshua C. Chen)

Provide Structure

07 / The Caregiver (Service)

The one-word description for The Caregiver is altruism: the unselfish concern and/or devotion to nurture and care for others. This archetype is motivated to provide reassurance, service, advice, listening and an open heart to support the welfare of others. The Caregiver is compassionate, generous, efficient, self-sacrificing, patient, highly competent and an excellent multitasker. Able to find the silver lining in any cloud, the Caregiver remains calm in a crisis, makes friends with everyone, and radiates the lightness of optimism.

(Archetype summary via Archetypes In Branding, Margaret Pott Hartwell & Joshua C. Chen)

08 / The Ruler (Control)

The Ruler represents power and control, and is motivated to lead. The Ruler’s position is earned or created rather than inherited or taken by conquest. The ruler has no need to benevolently protect. Instead, the Ruler must demonstrate expertise, a proven track record and competence before taking control. This archetype is a realist and finds meaning in creating structures, organizations and environments that are harmonious, fruitful and constructive.

(Archetype summary via Archetypes In Branding, Margaret Pott Hartwell & Joshua C. Chen)

09 / The Creator (Innovation)

The Creator has a passionate need for self-expression, to be a cultural pioneer. Creating offers a means of dealing with how out of control the world seems. The Creator is highly imaginative, with a developed sense of aesthetic. This archetype often appears in environments that are reflective of good taste and a unique point of view. The Creator notices and acts upon the need for innovation, invention and reinterpretation. Believing in the value of inner expression, the Creator is dedicated, hardworking and achievement oriented.

(Archetype summary via Archetypes In Branding, Margaret Pott Hartwell & Joshua C. Chen)

Explore Spirituality

10 / The Innocent (Safety)

The Innocent is pure, virtuous and faultless, free from the responsibility of having done anything hurtful or wrong. The eternal optimist, this archetype’s glass is always half full. The Innocent lacks guile and corruption, and it seeks the promise of paradise. In its most powerful expression, the Innocent embodies a sense of oneness and renewal, representing inner peace and acceptance. This archetype can trigger nostalgia for simpler times.

(Archetype summary via Archetypes In Branding, Margaret Pott Hartwell & Joshua C. Chen)

11 / The Sage (Understanding)

The Sage is motivated by independence, cognitive fulfillment and truth. This archetype has a foundational identity attachment to the belief that thinking is what defines the human experience. The sage responds well to expert opinion but is inherently a pragmatic sceptic. Possessing a high need for autonomy, the sage values learning for its own sake because it allows for detachment from the masses and the capacity to remain objective.

(Archetype summary via Archetypes In Branding, Margaret Pott Hartwell & Joshua C. Chen)

12 / The Explorer (Freedom)

The Explorer is motivated by a powerful craving for new experiences. Greatly valuing autonomy, the Explorer has a core desire to be free of the establishment, but not necessarily to have to challenge it. This archetype is willing to do just about anything to avoid boredom and entrapment, even if it means taking great risks. The explorer is known to push boundaries and delight in unexpected discoveries, embracing a “no limit” philosophy.

(Archetype summary via Archetypes In Branding, Margaret Pott Hartwell & Joshua C. Chen)

The goal of brand archetypes is to humanise the brand, to create a character that prospective customers can identify with, feel a connection, build loyalty, differentiate from the crowd and even in some cases fall in love with. To create and sustain marketing effectiveness requires building a brand that demands attention and has a charismatic personality. Prospect consumers that feel a deeper connection with your brand are 10x more likely to stay loyal and promote advocacy.